A degassing pump is a pump used to remove entrained gas from a liquid in which bubbles can be created as a consequence of specific processing. A degassing pump finds widespread applications because of its versatility and technical performance.
Below is a brief summary:
• How does a degassing pump work
• Fluid-o-Tech degassing pumps
The term degasification refers to a process of dissolved gas removal performed on fluids that are usually stored in containers or that are transported by pipelines.
Degasification is fundamental because liquids that contain gases – such as nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and oxygen, but also dissolved salts – can potentially react to metal and steel causing corrosion, rust, and other issues.
Thus, this process is aimed to prevent gas bubble-related problems and therefore protect containers and pipelines. Fluids of concern can be treated with a degassing pump.
A degassing pump extracts and eliminates any gas presence by lowering the pressure from a liquid and discharges it outside of the machine. It’s a mechanical process in which no chemical additive is used – so it is safe.
Degassing pumps draw the liquid through an internal orifice, in order to break down the gas from the fluid through decompression. This produces a liquid/gas mix that is later routed toward an inducer.
Thanks to a rotary action, the gas accumulates in the center of the inducer while the liquid is pushed to the sides. Eventually, the fluid undergoes high vacuum pressure, causing the remaining gas to finally separate.
Now, the gas can be expelled through the degassing pump impeller, and the fluid can recirculate to the inducer.
One of the main applications of degassing pumps is found in the medical sector. A good example is the hemodialysis machines where degassing pumps are used to remove air from the dialysis solution.
In the food and beverage industry, these pumps are used to treat liquid foods and dairy products, defoam and transfer liquid foods, or degas water to produce ice.
Also, they can be adopted for paints and inks to defoam and degas coating liquids, water-based paints, oils, polymers, and any other type of ink.
Finally, degassing pumps can prevent the malfunction of various measuring instruments – such as flow meters, density meters, and others.
Fluid-o-Tech is a world leader in the design and manufacture of degassing pumps and fluidic solutions. We offer technical solutions for all those devices where hydraulic parameters are critical for safety and performance requirements.
Fluid-o-Tech produces pumps that meet the highest sanitary and technological standards, to guarantee compliance with any strict regulation and total satisfaction of our customers.
Our degassing pumps have proven to be the most reliable, efficient, and robust pump technology over the years for use within different applications and industries.
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